A new blog for a new part of my life.
With the current blog that I have called "Taken Into Account" I write about everything from personal encounters, business, politics, religion, epiphanies I have, etc. I would have people ask me about updates on my life, & when mass quantities of people are asking for details, I felt like starting a new blog about my engagement & soon to be marriage. At times I would send them to my other blog, because I have from time to time written 'life updates' if you will, but that was not what I had intended for Taken Into Account....and with people from Japan, Australia, Europe, and all over the U.S. (hard to believe, but truly amazing!) taking interest in my thoughts there, I will continue to pursue my creative writing passion through both outlets.
Another element, if not the most important one, of starting this new blog, is to archive my thoughts and memories during this time in my life. I realize that this is an epic year, that most will not be like this one and I need to cherish every moment. Sometimes those memories can get lost in the stress of planning and organizing and putting together. I realize that it is easy to get lost in the 'motions' of it all and to not stop and look around and realize how blessed I have been, and to remember this amazing time when the trials and tribulations come.
I am not assuming everyone cares to read these things, just that a select few do. This life, after all, is not all about me and never will be. I prefer it that way. I am not used to having a lot of attention on myself, and while I am enjoying the support of my friends and family during this time in my life, I look forward to the coming months when I will have a more-free schedule to spend the desperately needed one-on-one time with my future husband, friends, & family.
I look forward to the adventures, the simple days, spending time with people I love, DECORATING, being a new wife, loving my new husband, and all that comes with these things.